Infection Control Annual Statement Aug 2023



Infection Control Annual Statement  





This annual statement will be generated each year in August in accordance with the requirements of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 Code of Practice on the prevention and control of infections and related guidance. The report will be published on the practice website and will include the following summary: 


•       Any infection transmission incidents and any action taken (these will have been reported in accordance with our significant event procedure) 

•       Details of any infection control audits undertaken and actions undertaken 

•       Details of any risk assessments undertaken for the prevention and control of infection

•       Details of staff training 

•       Any review and update of policies, procedures and guidelines  



Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) lead 


The lead for infection prevention and control at Wonersh Surgery is Vickie Mitchell (Lead Clinical Nurse/Nurse Practitioner). The IPC lead is supported by the Practice Management Team.  


a.         Infection transmission incidents (significant events)

Significant events involve examples of good practice as well as challenging events.

Positive events are discussed at meetings to allow all staff to be appraised in areas of best practice.

Negative events are managed by the staff member who either identified or was advised of any potential shortcoming. This person will complete a Significant Event Analysis (SEA) form which commences an investigation process to establish what can be learnt and to indicate changes that might lead to future improvements.

All significant events are reviewed and discussed at practice meetings. Any learning points are cascaded to all relevant staff where an action plan, including audits or policy review, may follow.

In the past year, there have been 1 significant event raised which related to infection control involving a needle stick injury to a staff member. There have been 0 complaints made regarding cleanliness or infection control.

b.         Infection prevention audit and actions

The Infection Prevention and Control Lead conducts an annual Infection Control audit and the most recent audit was conducted on 19th June 2023. 

A detailed action plan from this audit has been put in place and we plan to complete any actions within the next year. There were no immediate actions to carry out. ^8% of actions have already been completed

c.         Risk assessments 

Risk assessments are carried out so that any risk is minimised and made to be as low as is reasonably practicable. Additionally, a risk assessment that can identify best practice can be established and then followed.

In the last year, the following risk assessments were carried out/reviewed:

·         General IPC risks

·         COSHH

·         Cleaning standards

·         Privacy curtain cleaning or changes

·         Staff vaccinations

·         Sharps

·         Water safety

d.         Policies and procedures

Policies relating to infection prevention and control are available to all staff and are reviewed and updated annually. Additionally, all policies are amended on an ongoing basis as per current advice, guidance, and legislation changes. 



e.         Training

In addition to staff being involved in risk assessments and significant events, at Wonersh Surgery all staff and contractors receive IPC induction training on commencing their post. Thereafter, all staff receive refresher training annually.

f.          Cleaning Services

The cleaning of Wonersh Surgery is contracted out to Low Cost Cleaning Supplies Ltd and they clean the premises every night, Monday to Friday. The standard of cleaning is monitored by the management team and any concerns identified are reported to the area Supervisor/Manager of the contractor. 


The Reception Team have a daily roster whereby the toys and patient chairs are cleaned with clinical cleaning wipes. 


g.         Responsibility

It is the responsibility of all staff members at Wonersh to be familiar with this statement, and their roles and responsibilities under it. 

h.         Review

The IPC lead Vickie Mitchell (Lead Clinical Nurse/Nurse Practitioner) and Leanne Myers (Practice Manager) are responsible for reviewing and producing the annual statement.

This annual statement will be updated on or before 16/08/2024


 Signed by


Leanne Myers, Practice Manager


For and on behalf of Wonersh surgery